Cord Cutting Ceremony

Welcome loves

This ritual is used to when you have having difficulty with a specific relationship and need to bring healing both for yourself and for the energetics between you and the person.

Follow the rituals in sequential order as they are shared here for you.

Take a moment before each journey - close your eyes, deepen your breath and imagine a beautiful place in nature.

It is from this place in your imagination that we begin to work. Throughout the journey’s we may use pronouns you don’t resonate with, please insert a pronoun that you are comfortable with.

Step One: Start here


We begin this process by first by calling ourselves home from outdated dreams. When our energy or spirit is held in a fantasy of what could have been, what should have been, we are not fully able to be in the present moment. We must call ourselves back to be able to dream the life we want now into being. And when it comes to cord cutting/relationship resolution we must also call ourselves back from what we wished…

Post Practice:

1. Be gentle with yourself

2. Avoid contact with anyone that may be holding this old dream for you or that are invested in you holding this out dated dream for a few days to allow this to anchor.

3. Take a salt bath and when you are done allow the water to drain out of the bathtub while you are still in the tub, imagining what no longer serves, what no longer belongs going down the drain.

4. As we let go of, and call ourselves back from outdated dreams, emotions may arise remember it’s ok To FEEL… Implement our Inner Alchemy Practice..

Step Three: Cord Cutting ritual Intro

This is super important information to listen to before starting the cord cutting practice.

Many of us may have unhealthy cords and or attachments with others. In our work I don’t believe it is healthy for us to actually be corded into another. We are meant to run 100% on our own energy. It is important to tend to our energetic body to where we have corded into another or where we have allowed knowingly or unknowingly to another. Often the cords are because of missed understandings, missed opportunities, desires that are unfulfilled, poor boundaries. They are often also because of unconscious agreements and cords so that we can take up more space within ourselves, and so we can be clear. I know for many folks it can be a challenge to release the cords, be gentle with yourself and go where it feels good to go with these practices.

Step Four: Relationship Resolution

Step Five : Come home to your true nature

Our Final Journey ends with coming home to yourself FULLY.