What an amazing experience I had while connecting with the wonderful community that came together for "The Three Keys to Holding Trauma-Informed Space." The most significant revelation from this Masterclass was recognizing the extent to which people have suffered trauma due to inadequate practices by space holders and healers.

Individuals who have endured trauma often possess an extraordinary sensitivity and a heightened awareness of the subtle nuances within group and individual dynamics. They are quick to discern a person's true intentions and can often sense the energies of others to such a degree that it can overshadow their own experience.

The three keys I shared during this Masterclass offered valuable insights into the importance of establishing clarity for participants regarding what to expect and what is expected of them.

Survivors of trauma may have a tendency to prioritize pleasing everyone else, which can, in turn, deprive them of their own experience because they become consumed with wanting to ensure they are "doing it correctly" in order to be seen, acknowledged, and witnessed by the teacher. It's as if they believe that being seen by the teacher will make them feel safe.

People were genuinely impressed by how the implementation of straightforward strategies to create a safe and nurturing space can significantly benefit individuals who have undergone trauma, enabling them to receive the healing they have come for.

Thank you for participating in this free ritual. It was carefully designed to provide you with a glimpse of the offerings and programs available through Earth Oracle Arts. While my programs may adapt and grow, my steadfast commitment to delivering valuable content remains unwavering.

To continue your transformative journey or explore my offerings, I invite you to visit my website below. I eagerly look forward to connecting with you and being a source of support on your journey toward healing and empowerment.

Meet your facilitator

Aloha Beauty, I am Naomi Amaya Love, a Medicine Woman, Ceremonialist, and Folk Herbalist. I am deeply dedicated to guiding individuals in transforming their relationship with both themselves and the world around them through the subtle and profound art of living life as a ceremony.

My work is firmly rooted in earth-centered shamanic traditions. With three decades of experience as a community Medicine Woman, I have had the privilege of serving clients from across the globe, guiding them through all stages of life, from preconception to the afterlife. My work gracefully traverses the realms of mind, body, and spirit, offering healing on all these interconnected levels.

Through Earth Oracle Arts, I offer personal ceremonial journeys and professional ceremonial apprenticeships. If you're intrigued to learn more about my offerings and teachings, you can connect with me at Earth Oracle Arts and @LivingLifeAsCeremony. I welcome you to explore the transformative power of living life as a ceremony with me.

With Grace, Naomi Love