Please ensure you have the following:

- A pen and paper (your journal is perfect)

- Drinking water

This Masterclass serves as your gateway to the Resonance Ritual, a profound journey encompassing 20 transformative lessons. Each module includes expertly guided meditations, self-reflection exercises, practical applications for daily life, and integration practices designed to deepen your understanding of living as a spiritual being in human form.

Throughout this experience, you will explore patterns that may be impeding your progress, uncover their roots, and delve into the stories behind them. The culmination of this exploration will empower you to transform your most significant struggles into supportive allies.

This unique approach will redefine how you address recurring patterns that influence your life and relationships, providing you with a valuable, lifelong tool for success.

Self Reflection Questions:

What have you uncovered? πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ

Have you identified a boundary that can foster a healthier relationship? 🌱

Did you recognize instances where you seek validation from others for your self-worth? πŸ’–

Did you notice that you're not alone? What patterns of yours did you observe in your fellow students? πŸ‘₯

How does your body feel after this experience? 🌟

Thank you for participating in this free ritual. It was thoughtfully designed to offer you a glimpse of the offerings and programs available through Earth Oracle Arts. While my programs may continue to evolve and grow, my unwavering commitment to delivering valuable content remains constant.

To continue your transformative journey or explore my offerings, I invite you to visit my website below. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you and be a source of support on your path toward healing and empowerment.

Meet Your Facilitator

Aloha Beauty, I am Naomi Amaya Love, a Medicine Woman, Ceremonialist, and Folk Herbalist. I am deeply dedicated to guiding individuals in transforming their relationship with both themselves and the world around them through the subtle and profound art of living life as a ceremony.

My work is firmly rooted in earth-centered shamanic traditions. With three decades of experience as a community Medicine Woman, I have had the privilege of serving clients from across the globe, guiding them through all stages of life, from preconception to the afterlife.

My work gracefully traverses the realms of mind, body, and spirit, offering healing on all these interconnected levels.

Through Earth Oracle Arts, I offer personal ceremonial journeys and professional ceremonial apprenticeships. If you're intrigued to learn more about my offerings and teachings, you can connect with me at Earth Oracle Arts and @LivingLifeAsCeremony. I welcome you to explore the transformative power of living life as a ceremony with me.

With Grace, Naomi Love