Stepping into the embodiment of your sovereignty involves a profound examination of how you relate to yourself and others.

The way you relate to yourself mirrors your interactions with the world and the people in your life.

The prevailing system has not equipped you to be empowered and well, but rather, it has conditioned you to be disempowered. This conditioning defaults to unconscious agreements and contracts that thrive when you remain disempowered.

As a result of this conditioning, the act of embracing your power is often seen as a challenge to the established order.

This can lead to facing resistance, misunderstandings, accusations, blame, and shame when you attempt to step into your power.

In truth, this "power against" dynamic is simply another manifestation of the belief systems perpetuated by the patriarchy.

We haven't witnessed many examples of individuals standing in their power while maintaining right relationships. Instead, we have predominantly observed the patriarchal model, where someone in a position of power stands on a pedestal, implying that others are subservient. There hasn't been ample room for the concept that power is inclusive, and one's power doesn't diminish another's.

One of the reasons we witness a scarcity of people stepping into their power in a balanced manner is that it requires accepting significant personal responsibility. This is something we are often uncomfortable with and haven't seen frequently demonstrated in the world.

Many people tend to relinquish their power because they are hesitant to assume responsibility for it. It can be simpler to project one's power outward rather than to claim it. Stepping into your power necessitates gaining clarity on both the overt and subtle ways you relate to yourself and others, and then taking responsibility for areas where you might not be in right relationship.

The Wise Womb Way offers guidance on relating in right relationship with yourself and others. It honors the sovereignty of all beings and avoids working from presumptions or distorted power dynamics.

Distorted power dynamics also play out in the healing community, where healers are often perceived as having all the answers, and clients tend to rely on healers for solutions. Rather than directing individuals toward their own sovereignty, inner wisdom, and solutions, they are encouraged to bypass their own power and look to others for truth.

Here are five essential qualities you need to cultivate to genuinely step into your power in right relationship:

1. Understand that when you assert your needs and stand in your power, you aren't taking power away from others.

2. Be willing to be vulnerable.

3. Explore and honor your own boundaries.

4. Advocate for your non-negotiable sacred needs.

5. Respect the boundaries and sovereignty of others.

The benefits of standing in your power far outweigh any potential consequences that may deter you. Embracing your power is the greatest gift you can offer yourself, your life, those around you, and the world at large.

By standing in your power, as an individual, you can take substantial steps toward dismantling the harmful effects of the patriarchy and contribute to creating a new way of existence grounded in sovereignty and reverence.

Thank you for participating in this free ritual. It was thoughtfully designed to offer you a glimpse of the offerings and programs available through Earth Oracle Arts. While my programs may continue to evolve and grow, my unwavering commitment to delivering valuable content remains constant.

To continue your transformative journey or explore my offerings, I invite you to visit my website below. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you and be a source of support on your path toward healing and empowerment.

Meet your facilitator

Aloha Beauty, I am Naomi Amaya Love, a Medicine Woman, Ceremonialist, and Folk Herbalist. I am deeply dedicated to guiding individuals in transforming their relationship with both themselves and the world around them through the subtle and profound art of living life as a ceremony.

My work is firmly rooted in earth-centered shamanic traditions. With three decades of experience as a community Medicine Woman, I have had the privilege of serving clients from across the globe, guiding them through all stages of life, from preconception to the afterlife.

My work gracefully traverses the realms of mind, body, and spirit, offering healing on all these interconnected levels.

Through Earth Oracle Arts, I offer personal ceremonial journeys and professional ceremonial apprenticeships. If you're intrigued to learn more about my offerings and teachings, you can connect with me at Earth Oracle Arts and @LivingLifeAsCeremony. I welcome you to explore the transformative power of living life as a ceremony with me.

With Grace, Naomi Love